We have reviewed the feedback received during our previous consultations in detail – thank you to everyone who participated.
This third round of consultation with the community shares the updated scheme.
The feedback received will be reviewed by the full consultant team before we finalise the contents of the planning application.
All feedback received will also be documented in a report that will be shared with the council and published on this website.
You can visit our consultation page here to keep up to date.
We will aim to get as many people and local groups as possible involved, through our website, leaflets and socially distanced pop-ups.
We have been reaching out to local groups and people. If you lead, or know of, a group or organisation we should speak to, please let us know by getting in touch.
We recognise there is a real opportunity to work with local children and young people in developing our proposals too, and we plan to engage with schools to find out what they think about their local area and understand their ideas for the development.
An overview of timescales is set out in the diagram below:
The Kensal Gasworks development will contribute to the borough’s housing needs and will deliver 790 new, high-quality homes including 35% affordable housing. The revised proposals include 148 Social Rent Homes with 68 being 3 or 4 bedroom homes.
See above. We will agree the appropriate mix and size of the new homes to meet local need.
St William is the developer for Kensal Green Gasworks.
St William is part of the Berkeley Group and specialise in the redevelopment of redundant gasworks sites across London and the south east. They are the developer bringing forward the Kensal Green Gasworks site.
St William is working closely with neighbouring landowners in order to deliver the best development possible and maximise the benefits for the local community. By working particularly closely with the design team for Ballymore and Sainsbury’s, who own land next to Kensal Gasworks, we can ensure a comprehensive approach in the northern part of the Kensal Canalside Opportunity Area.
A land ownership map is shown below.
The Kensal Canalside Opportunity Area has been allocated as one of 38 Opportunity Areas in London within the London Plan and the Council’s Local Plan. It will bring at least 3,500 new homes and 2,000 new jobs to the local area.
You can read more about Kensal Canalside Opportunity Area here:
The SPD is a planning document that will guide the development of the Kensal Canalside area and provides additional guidance for us as developers. The SPD was adopted by the Council in July 2021.
You can view the latest on the Council’s SPD here.
For any questions related to the St William site, Kensal Gasworks, please email or call 07795 614 307
For questions related to the Ballymore and Sainsburys site please email
You can view Ballymore and Sainsbury’s consultation website here.
The landowners and their teams are working closely and will share feedback with each other throughout the consultation. Please do note that we will be abiding by GDPR procedures throughout this process, to ensure your personal information is secure. You can view our privacy policy here.